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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

PROGRAM - Mr. Sicily

Francesco Mileci, Mr. Sicily, and his wife Francesca are the proud owners of La Vita è Bella Ristorante in Glen Allen. Mr. Sicily invites friends to travel to his homeland of Sicily to experience the abundance of history and a collection of stunning landscapes. Some of the world's best-preserved Byzantine mosaics stand adjacent to the magnificent Greek temples and Roman amphitheaters. Add the spectacular sight of Mt. Etna plus Sicily's unique cuisine - mingling Arab and Greek Spices with Spanish and French cooking techniques and you can see why so many add a trip to Sicily to their Must See Travel destinations. Join us to hear about Sicily and its stories and to see the amazing photographs that the Mileci family has taken to share with us.

The Federal Country Club
13450 Palmers Way Glen Allen, VA 23059
Reservation Deadline - Wednesday, February 5 at Noon

Choose from two plated entrees:  Pork Tenderloin or Grilled Vegetable Alfredo
Cost: $35

Click  HERE TO Register


Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Who are the New Virginians?

The New Virginians is a women’s social club of over 300 members in the greater Richmond area. It is a mix of ladies new to the area and ladies that have been in the area for a while! Married or single, we’ve had careers in business, education, interior design, sales, medicine, and government, to name just a few. We’ve created homes and raised families all over the world. As New Virginians, we enrich each others’ lives with our varied interests, talents, and experience.

To read about the history of the club  - Club History

For a message from our president - President's Message

Special Interest Groups

Luncheon Meetings


Slideshow with Captions

For The Love of Poodles and Pooches Rescue (FLOP) has a goal of providing compassionate care for dogs and finding them loving, forever homes.

We invite you to visit their website to learn more about their good work.

The Club has about 20 special interest groups that meet regularly.  There are a variety of activities that include walking, kayaking, lunching, gaming, reading, and arts.  Enjoy the slide show of a few of their meetings. 

Click on one of these links to read more details: 
Food, Foodies, and F-U-N
Cards, Dice, Tiles – It’s a Gamer’s Paradise, or  
For Action, Adventure, and Discussion .  

The Club's luncheon meetings are our main social event.  Meetings are held at least 9 times a year at a variety of local venues.  Luncheons are followed by a stimulating program.   

This meeting was held at Hermitage Country Club in April, 2024.  The program was a Spring fashion show hosted by Penelope and modeled by club members.  

New Virginians select a local charity each year to support through a variety of fund-raising events. 

For more information select 
Philanthropy Overview